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How to avoid killing the running application when starting the Appium Inspector session?

I would like to launch Appium Inspector session to attach to the currently running Android app on my device. The problem I'm facing is that whenever I start the session, the running app is getting killed and launched again. Is there any way to avoid that?

I'm currently using the following config:

  "appium:automationName": "UiAutomator2",
  "platformName": "android",
  "appium:app": "/my/path/to/apk",
  "appium:noReset": true


  • Not sure, but those capabilities might help:

    "appium:noReset": true,
    "appium:autoLaunch": false,

    Also, remove appium:app capability and try to run without it (possibly appium will just create an empty session without app and will wait for new instructions).

    If it doesn't work, replace appium:app with:

    "appium:appPackage": ...,


    The final capabilities set

    "appium:autoLaunch": false, // to disable app relaunch on Appium session start
    "appium:noReset": true,
    "appium:dontStopAppOnReset": true, // to prevent closing the app Appium Inspector's session stopped