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Dropdown Component does not change on Props change

I'm displaying a Dropdown like this:

<DropdownMultiselect options={chartVariables} />

Even though chartVariables is a State and properly get's updated, the options for the Dropdown do not change, when the chartVariables get's updated.

The source code for the dropdown you can find here:

Can you help me to find out why the options do not change when chartVariables changes? Do I have to fix this library or can I just "force" this DropdownMultiselect to re-render?


  • These two approaches mentioned can help you :-

    Briefly describing as per my understanding :-

    As chartVariables is in the parent component and is being passed as a prop to DropdownMultiselect which is updating its state options, hence the states in the child component do not update everytime whenever the value of the props from parent changes , they needs to be updated forcefully .

    I have tried using the first approach and it is working as expected ,

    static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
        if (props.options !== state.options) {
          let optionsArray = [];
          if (typeof props.options[0] === "object") {
  , index) => {
              let key = value[props.optionKey];
              let label = value[props.optionLabel];
              optionsArray.push({ key: key, label: label });
          } else if (typeof props.options[0] === "string") {
   => {
              optionsArray.push({ key: value, label: value });
          return {
            options: optionsArray
        return null;

    Sandbox link :-