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Razor directive to prevent element rendering

I search for an option to render some div-tags in my cshtml files with razor conditionally like the angular directive ng-if. Normally I write code like

@if (mycond) {

And I search for a more readable approach like

  <div asmarttag:mycond>blub</div>

Is there any option to achieve that?


  • Not sure if it's exactly what you want... but what about a custom HTMLHelper?

    namespace System.Web.Mvc
        public static class CustomHTMLHelpers
            public static IHtmlString Render(this HtmlHelper helper, bool render, string html)
                if (render)
                    return helper.Raw(html);
                    return new HtmlString("");
        public static IHtmlString Render(this HtmlHelper helper, bool render, MvcHtmlString html)
            if (render)
                return html;
                return new HtmlString("");

    Then you could do:

    @Html.Render(mycond, "<div>blub</div>")


    @Html.Render(true, @Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home"))

    Would certinly turn it into a one liner for you.