I have in the nova/auth/ directory the login view login.blade.php
that has a post request to the nova.login
action="{{ route('nova.login') }}"
The nova.login route has this action associated:
nova.login | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LoginController@login
However this file is not in the folder structure. Already run php artisan vendor:publish
but still doesn't appear.
However I don't have the nova LoginController
in my project. Do you know how to access that file? I'm asking this because I'm having an invalid credentials error even entering the correct credentials. So I'm tryign to debug to understand what's the issue. Thanks
Please follow the official installation guide.
php artisan nova:install
php artisan migrate
Maybe it might be cached too, please try following commands
php artisan nova:publish
php artisan view:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:cache