Is there a way to subtract two UNIX timestamp without transformation to_datetime()
data = {'start_ts':[1612642244163, 1612642238996],
'end_ts':[1612642535739, 1612642837002]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df["start_ts"] = pd.to_datetime(df["start_ts"], unit="ms")
df["end_ts"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_ts"], unit="ms")
df["duration"] = df["end_ts"] - df["start"]
start_ts |end_ts |duration
0 2021-02-06 20:10:44.163 |2021-02-06 20:15:35.739 |0 days 00:04:51.576000
1 2021-02-06 20:10:38.996 |2021-02-06 20:20:37.002 |0 days 00:09:58.006000
sure, just subtract the milliseconds timestamps from each other, then convert the results to_timedelta with the appropriate unit:
df = pd.DataFrame({'start_ts':[1612642244163, 1612642238996],
'end_ts':[1612642535739, 1612642837002]})
df["duration"] = pd.to_timedelta(df["end_ts"] - df["start_ts"], unit='ms')
start_ts end_ts duration
0 1612642244163 1612642535739 0 days 00:04:51.576000
1 1612642238996 1612642837002 0 days 00:09:58.006000