I'm using FromFile to get the image out of files, and it has the following error for the png's on the FromFile line:
Exception calling "FromFile" with "1" argument(s): "The given path's format is not supported."
So, I'm trying to convert the bmp's to jpg, (see convert line above FromFile below) but all the examples I see (that seem usable) are saving the file. I don't want to save the file in the dir. All I need is the image format, so FromFile can use it like this example. I saw ConvertTo-Jpeg, but I don't think this is a standard powershell module, or don't see how to install it.
I saw this link, but I don't think that would leave the image in the format needed by FromFile.
This is my code:
$imageFile2 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $ImageFullBasePath -Include @("*.bmp","*.jpg","*.png") | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$($pictureName)"} #$imageFile | Select-String -Pattern '$($pictureName)' -AllMatches
Write-Host $imageFile2
if($imageFile2 -Match "png")
$imageFile2 | .\ConvertTo-Jpeg #I don't think this will work with FromFile below
$image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($imageFile2) step
else {
Write-Host "$($imageFile2) does not exist"
And then I put it in excel:
$xlsx = $result | Export-Excel -Path $outFilePath -WorksheetName $errCode -Autosize -AutoFilter -FreezeTopRow -BoldTopRow -PassThru # -ClearSheet can't ClearSheet every time or it clears previous data ###left off
$ws = $xlsx.Workbook.Worksheets[$errCode]
$ws.Dimension.Columns #number of columns
$tempRowCount = $ws.Dimension.Rows #number of rows
#only change width of 3rd column
$ws.Column(3).Width = 100
#Change all row heights
for ($row = 2 ;( $row -le $tempRowCount ); $row++)
#Write-Host $($ws.Dimension.Rows)
#Write-Host $($row)
$ws.Row($row).Height = 150
#place the image in spreadsheet
#https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/1041 https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/993
$drawingName = "$($row.PictureID)_Col3_$($row)" #Name_ColumnIndex_RowIndex
Write-Host $image
$picture = $ws.Drawings.AddPicture("$drawingName",$image)
$picture.SetPosition($row - 1, 0, 3 - 1, 0)
if($ws.Row($row).Height -lt $image.Height * (375/500)) {
$ws.Row($row).Height = $image.Height * (375/500)
if($ws.Column(3).Width -lt $image.Width * (17/120)){
$ws.Column(3).Width = $image.Width * (17/120)
I just wanted to reiterate that FromFile can't be used for a png image. So where Hey Scripting Guy saves the image like this doesn't work:
$image = [drawing.image]::FromFile($imageFile2)
I figured out that the $imageFile2 path has 2 filenames in it. It must be that two met the Get-ChildItem/Where-Object/match criteria. The images look identical, but have similar names, so will be easy to process. After I split the names, it does FromFile ok.