Ruby newbie here - I'm trying to any number (including thousands) into millions, and then rounded up to 2 decimal places, eg:
1499962946.140625 => 1499.97
31135762.5 => 31.14
8952392.3125 => 8.95
77896 => 0.08
5342 => 0.01
I've tried to do this using the following but so far it is only rounding the millions correctly, and the thousands stay as thousands. I would also like to drop 'Million' and 'Thousand' from the resultant string:
number_to_human(1234567.12345, precision: 2, significant: false)
=> "1.2 Million"
number_to_human(1234.12345, precision: 2, significant: false)
=> "1.23 Thousand"
Additionally, is there a way to keep the zeros, e.g. 1276.40
instead of 1276.4
Thank you!
What about just doing:
> (31135762.5 / 1000000).round(2)
# => 31.14
If you want to keep the zeros, you can do that:
> sprintf('%0.02f', 1276.4)
# => "1276.40"
But now you have a string.
If you want you also can put this is a function:
def format_number(num)
sprintf('%0.02f', num / 1000000)
# => "31.14"