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Python argument type specification for files

I know, for example, that a function can be written to let know its argument is str:

def myfunc(s: str) -> None:

I search the documentation of typing but couldn't find anything about files as arguments.

How can I specify something as the following:

def use_file(a_file: ???) -> None:

where ??? is a binary file (as one created with open("data", "rb"))?


  • The typing module provides specific types for file-like objects. Your question is a duplicate of this question.

    from typing import IO, TextIO, BinaryIO
    # Answer to the question
    # If your function only accepts files opened in binary mode 
    def use_file(a_file: BinaryIO) -> None:
    # If your function only accepts files opened in text mode
    def use_file(a_file: TextIO) -> None:
    # If your function accepts files opened in both modes
    def use_file(a_file: IO) -> None: