I have been trying to trim whitespaces in my long array which consists of almost all the periodic table elements but not able to find the function that does that, I did read the documentation on trim but found out that none of them work with the array.
Here is my long array
let mut elements = ["Please start with 1"," Hydrogen"," Helium","Lithium"," Beryllium","Boron","Carbon"," Nitrogen","Oxygen","Fluorine","Neon","Sodium","Magnesium","Aluminium","Silicon","Phosphorus","Sulfur"," Chlorine","Argon","Potassium","Calcium "," Scandium","Titanium","Vanadium",
"Chromium","Manganese"," Iron","Cobalt","Nickel","Copper","Zinc","Gallium","Germanium","Arsenic"," Selenium","Bromine","Krypton","Rubidium","Strontium"," Yttrium","Zirconium ","Niobium ","Molybdenum ","Technetium ","Ruthenium ","Rhodium","Palladium","Silver",
"Cadmium "," Indium ","Tin","Antimony"," Tellurium","Iodine","Xenon","Cesium","Barium","Lanthanum","Cerium"," Praseodymium","Neodymium"," Promethium "," Samarium ","Europium "," Gadolinium","Terbium "," Dysprosium ","Holmium "," Erbium","Thulium","Ytterbium","Lutetium","Hafnium",
"Tantalum "," Tungsten","Rhenium ","Osmium ","Iridium ","Platinum","Gold","Mercury"," Thallium","Lead ","Bismuth"," Polonium" ,"Astatine","Radon ","Francium ","Radium"," Actinium","Thorium"," Protactinium","Uranium","Neptunium","Plutonium","Americium","Curium","Berkelium","Californium"];
Now in a few elements there are whitespaces that ruin the output.
Is there any way you can trim the whitespaces in an array?
Just use map
with trim
let trimmed = elements.map(str::trim);
Notice that this builds a new array.