The storybook works well, except it doesn't "render" the component initially.
After I change any value using the controls everything renders correctly.
Here's the story for my shortest component:
import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions";
import { ArgTypes, Meta, Story } from "@storybook/vue/types-6-0";
import { icons } from "../components/iconLoader";
import TsetButton from "../components/TsetButton.vue";
const argTypes = {
size: {
table: { disable: true },
type: {
table: { disable: true },
iconLeft: {
control: { type: "select" },
options: Object.keys(icons),
iconRight: {
control: { type: "select" },
options: Object.keys(icons),
iconOnly: {
control: { type: "select" },
options: Object.keys(icons),
label: {
control: { type: "text" },
} as ArgTypes;
export default {
title: "Tset/Components/TsetButton",
component: TsetButton,
// More on argTypes:
} as Meta;
const DefaultButton: Story = (args, { argTypes }) => ({
props: Object.keys(argTypes),
components: {
template: `
methods: {
onClick: action("clicked"),
onHoverStart: action("Hover Start"),
onHoverEnd: action("Hover End"),
export const Default = DefaultButton.bind({});
Default.args = {
label: "Button",
tooltip: "Tooltip",
And here's the component minus the style:
<div v-tooltip="tooltipState">
'button-primary': isPrimary,
'button-secondary': isSecondary,
'button-ghost': isGhost,
'button-tertiary': isTertiary,
'button-loading': isLoading,
'h-40 px-14 py-8': size === 'default',
'h-32 px-16 py-8': size === 'small',
'flex items-center m-10',
'h-20 w-20': size === 'default',
'h-16 w-16': size === 'small',
'h-20 w-20': size === 'default',
'h-16 w-16': size === 'small',
<template v-if="isLoading"> ... </template>
v-if="!iconOnly && !isLoading"
'text-14': size === 'default',
'text-12': size === 'small',
{{ label }}
'h-20 w-20': size === 'default',
'h-16 w-16': size === 'small',
<script lang="ts">
export type ButtonType = "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | "ghost";
export type ButtonSize = "default" | "small";
import { Component, Vue, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import VTooltip from "v-tooltip";
name: "TsetButton",
export default class Button extends Vue {
private readonly type!: ButtonType;
private readonly size!: ButtonSize;
private readonly isDisabled!: boolean;
private readonly isLoading!: boolean;
private readonly iconLeft: string | null = null;
private readonly iconRight: string | null = null;
private readonly iconOnly: string | null = null;
private readonly label!: string;
private readonly tooltip!: string;
private readonly disabledTooltip!: string;
get tooltipState() {
if (this.tooltip) {
return this.tooltip;
} else if (this.disabledTooltip) {
return this.disabledTooltip;
} else {
return this.label;
get isPrimary(): boolean {
return this.type === "primary";
get isSecondary(): boolean {
return this.type === "secondary";
get isTertiary(): boolean {
return this.type === "tertiary";
get isGhost(): boolean {
return this.type === "ghost";
onClick(): void {
if (!this.isLoading && !this.isDisabled) this.$emit("click");
onHoverStart(): void {
if (!this.isLoading && !this.isDisabled) this.$emit("hoverStart");
onHoverEnd(): void {
if (!this.isLoading && !this.isDisabled) this.$emit("hoverEnd");
I fixed the issue by adding storybook with vue add storybook
to a working project which fits our needs and then simply removing all the components, basically creating what I would get if I set it up correctly.
So if you have a similar issue, maybe going that route would be worth a try.