I have this class:
public class Campaign{
public int campaign_id { get; set; }
public string campaign_name { get; set; }
public int representative_id { get; set; }}
And I can deserialize the JSON
to a List
like this:
Campaigns = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Campaign>>(jsonstring);
But I want to access the items base on the campaign_name, how can I do that? How to Deserialize it to a dictionary where the value will be the object and the key will be the campaign_name? Thank you.
You can use the ToDictionary
method to convert your List
. You can read more at MSDN:
var dict = Campaigns.ToDictionary(x => x.campaign_id);
Note that this will fail if an item exists in the list multiple times so you can Distinct
var dict = Campaigns.Distinct().ToDictionary(x => x.campaign_id)