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Elixir - efficiently fetching list of comments of a Facebook page via Graph API

I want to display a list of comments of a Facebook page on my web app and implement some sort of lazy load. In order to fetch all comments, I must first fetch a list of posts. Both the /comments and the /posts would return a response with this shape:

  "data": [...],
  "paging": {
    "cursors": {...},
    "next": ""

I've thought of parallelizing the fetching of comments via Task.async/1 and Task.await/2 like this:

posts = MyAppGetter.fetch_posts("")
comments =
  |> -> Task.async(fn -> 
  end) end)

My dilemma is not knowing when to request for the "next" page, since the /posts endpoint doesn't return the total number of comments each post has. Ideally, I would like to display a total of 100 comments initially and subsequently. However, with the lack of information there could be 0 comments for the first page of posts and 200 comments in the next page.


  • You can get the comments count by explicitly asking for it.


    will get you a structure like

      "comments": {
        "data": [
        "summary": {
          "order": "ranked",
          "total_count": 123,
          "can_comment": true