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406 Not Acceptable on submitting a form cakephp

what is the maximum post limit?(The number of elements that can be posted max through a form)I have 107 questions(All Yes No radio buttons) total.Has it got anything to do with that?Because when i remove a set of questions,it works fine.

I am submitting a form of questions in cakephp.It doesnt submits on filling all values. In firebug net panel it shows a 406 Not Acceptable status. Any body knows what is happening here?

The form has a set of questions.It seems that last set of question is causing the problem there.When i disable that section of questions the form submits correctly.


  • I dont know what was the problem but it seems to be the problem with elements that are posted with the form.It was not working on the local server but when i uploaded it on the live server it worked fine.It seems there was some problem with some settings of the Local server(Which were unavailable to me).There are some variables like > which are not present on the live server.Its size is set to be 100 which was exceeded in my case on local server(Note it was 107).I think the problem lies there.But now its working fine