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postgres how to filter results of jsonb_agg()

The following query parses a text column in a table to obtain a 'PO' value. It then returns a table with two columns - 'PO' and 'DATA' where each cell essentially contains all the row data as a JSONB object:

select POed."PO", jsonb_agg(to_jsonb(POed)- 'PO') as "DATA"
from (
    select  * , 
            when patd."Text" notnull
            then (regexp_match(patd."Text" , '^[0-9]{10}00'))[1]
            else null
        end) as "PO"
    from "pat_details" patd
    ) as POed
group by "PO"

A simpler example is if I start with a table:

a b Text
1 2 xxx 453 yyy
4 5 www 453 www

The result looks like this where each element of DATA is a list of json objects:

453 [{"a": 1, "b":2},{"a": 4, "b":5}]

I want to further filter the result to show say all "PO" with "a"=4. I thought something like:

WHERE "DATA" -> 0 -> 0."a" = "4" 

That generates a syntax error. What is the error/correct way to query this?

Note 1: WHERE "DATA"->0->>'a'='4' will get me all instances where the first element of the list has the criteria but then do I have to repeat the query for all possible elements?


  • The answer is:

    WHERE "DATA"@>'[{"a":"4"}]'

    Note that if you try to specify a specific element as I did you will run in to problems. It looks like the elements in the jsonb are randomly ordered so if you (as I did) search on the first element, you will probably get a different answer each query.