I have built an energy flow simulation for factories in Anylogic. I would like to do a detailed analysis in the Anylogic model (not in Excel), looking at energy flows that I currently plot in a chart over the whole year at other levels of detail. For example, I would like to look at the energy profile of the same graph with a time axis that represents only one month, one week, or as the smallest unit, one day. Ideally, I can still change the time period after the simulation has run through.
My first approach was to simply create different graphs and link a parameter, e.g. the month, to the visibility of the graph.
However, the effort is very large, since I would have to create 365 diagrams just to be able to display each day. Does anyone of you know a way to automate this chart creation or a way to make the x-axis of charts more flexible. Are there already solutions for this problem or does anyone know how this could work?
Best Christoph
The easiest way is to:
using DataSet mySpecificDS = new DataSet(numberOfDays)
(see help to see how to code datasets directly) --> this should cover only the time period of interest from your full dataset that contains all daysmySpecificDS
to your chart using plot.AddDataSet(mySpecificDS)
You can remove old datasets from your plot as well using plot.remove(mySpecificDS)
if you want to plot a new one.
Check the help for those functions for more info