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Connect to MySQL table using PHP (XAMPP)

I am trying to make a CRUD in PHP. Apache and MySQL is still running.

class DB
    static private $connection;
    const DB_TYPE = "mysql";
    const DB_HOST = "localhost";
    const DB_NAME = "crud";
    const USER_NAME = "root";
    const USER_PASSWORD = "";

    static public function getConnection()
        if (static::$connection == null) {
            try {
                static::$connection =  new PDO(self::DB_TYPE . "host" . self::DB_HOST . "dbname" . self::DB_NAME . self::USER_NAME . self::USER_PASSWORD);
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                throw new Exception("connection failed");
        return static::$connection;

I am running on localhost:3306

phpMyAdmin is up and running

The output is in the picture


enter image description here


  • Your PDO invocation looks weird.

    static::$connection =  new PDO(self::DB_TYPE . "host" . self::DB_HOST . "dbname" . self::DB_NAME . self::USER_NAME . self::USER_PASSWORD);

    The construct for this is new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);

    The dsn has this format:

    mysql:dbname=testdb;host=;port=3333 then , user then , password

    Your dsn section seems wrong, it should be more like this:

    $dsn = 'mysql:dbname='. self::DB_NAME .';host=' . self::DB_HOST ;
    $user = self::USER_NAME;
    $password = self::USER_PASSWORD;
    $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);