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How to troubleshoot IndexerEnv::putrangeindex:XDMP:parent link :invalid parent link node doc("xx/xx")//xx

We are continuously getting below Debug level log as of now I'm not sure it will cause any issue...

2022-01-27 16:13:55.705 Debug: IndexerEnv::putRangeIndex: XDMP:parent link :invalid parent link node doc("xx/xx")//xx

2021-01-24 16:13:55.715 Debug: IndexerEnv::putRangeIndex: XDMP:parent link :invalid parent link node doc("xx/xx")//xx

Can anyone help how to resolve this and it will create any performance issue?


  • It would appear that you have a fragment, but the document for that URI is missing.

    Message Text

    Invalid parent link node doc("variable1")//variable2


    A parent fragment in a fragmented document is missing.


    The document must be reloaded.

    You may need to look and see what sort of fragment it is (document-properties, document-lock, or if you have fragmentation rules to split documents into multiple fragments) and the history of changes for such documents.