I want to install the db2 extension for PHP on Windows but it just isn't working. I've tried a lot of different solutions but I still get these:
When I try connection to db2 database
I'm using Apache on XAMPP on port 80. I have installed this: https://github.com/ibmdb/php_ibm_db2/tree/master/PHP%207.4.x/x64/TS and placed it in my C:\xampp\php\ext folder and set "extension=php_ibm_db2.dll" in my php.ini file. (which is in C:\xampp\php)
Only "db2" appearing in phpinfo()
So, I did not manage to connect to my db2 DB with the db2 extension, but here's an alternative I've found -->
$database = "xxx";
$hostname = "xxx";
$user = "xxx";
$password = "xxx";
$port = 50000;
# Build the connection string
$driver = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};";
$dsn = "DATABASE=$database; " .
"HOSTNAME=$hostname;" .
"PORT=$port; " .
"UID=$user;" .
$conn_string = $driver . $dsn;
# Connect
$conn = odbc_connect( $conn_string, "", "" );
if( $conn )
echo "Connection succeeded.";
odbc_close( $conn );
echo "Connection failed.";
output --> Connection succeeded.
source --> https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2woc?topic=programmatically-php