I have a Go application with a number of unit and benchmark tests both in the root and in a subfolder called "message".
I execute the following command to run all unit tests from the root including the ones in the messages and any other subfolder:
go test ./...
I want to achieve the same for the benchmark tests, i.e. run them all. The following works for the ones in the root directory:
go test -bench .
The benchmark tests in the /messages folder are ignored which is expected. So I run the following from the root:
go test -bench ./...
That's not recognised at all, Go seems to execute the unit tests that are located in the root dir. I even tried to specify the message folder in the command as follows:
go test -bench ./message
...but it also failed. Currently if I want to run the benchmark tests in the message folder I have to cd into that folder and execute
go test -bench .
like above.
So what's the correct way then? How can I tell Go to find the benchmark tests both in the root and the subfolders? How does the regexp arg work in the case of the -bench flag? Apparently it's different from the regexp for the unit test runner.
You should use ./...
to bench all the files from the current working directory and all of its subdirectories. If you wish to get a more verbose output you can use the -v
flag. Also it's good to list the memory allocation by using -benchmem
go test -v ./... -bench=. -run=xxx -benchmem