etcd is use to consensus metadata in Kubernetes. I can see Dgraph BadgerDB and other key value stores are using etcd, but I don't know quite how they are using it. Update: It looks like they are using a raft subset of etcd.
etcd is for storing metadata and not data as such - is it possible/recommended to combine etcd with another key value store to handle large data?
I have also looked at hashicorp raft
The etcd service was conceived to handle metadata: retrieve one key, get some data wich usually in the kilobytes range. Not megabytes.
You cannot "offlad" etcd to another database / datastore. Etcd need to have its data with low latency on the majority of nodes.
The biggest criticism about etcd are hardware requirements: 8GB RAM x 3 machines might be too much for some use cases.
Is it etcd good for you? It depends a lot on:
enabled to keep disk usage as low as possible removing old data versions.