I need to access the theme_display in a Liferay 7.3 Web Content Template.
I tried the following code (from Liferay Portal 6.2 - How to get theme_display in Web Content Template) but it doesn't work (change in Liferay 7.x) I would guess.
serviceContextThreadLocal = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"]
themeDisplay = serviceContextThreadLocal.getServiceContext().getThemeDisplay()
My goal is to access the login URL dynamically. I have the following code in my theme which works, but I now need it for some specific content.
It should work with just ${themeDisplay.getURLSignIn()}
I used it with a dip 7.3
Also the following gist might be helpful: https://gist.github.com/bmvakili/2e83d1b73964d14d873ba5486bc28dd5