New to Python here. I've been coding a small chatbot for a while now, and when I prompt the user to enter something instead of answering with the correct response the bot just repeats the prompt. Everything before that works just fine, but it gets stuck in a loop of asking the user for an input.
print("Hello " + User_Name + """.
Tonic is a simple Python chatbot made in order to test things such as boolean logic
and variable definition.
(Also remember to speak to the bot in lowercase, without punctuation.)""")
while 1 == 1:
str1 = input("Say something: ")
#"hello" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "hello" in str1:
print("Hi " + User_Name + "! (I read this as the 'hello' greeting.");
#"hi" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "hi" in str1:
print("Hi " + User_Name + "! (I read this as the 'hi' greeting.");
#"how are you?" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "how are you" in str1:
print("good, how about you? (I read this as you asking 'how are you'.)")
mood = input("Enter Mood: ")
if "good" in mood:
print("Nice to hear " + User_Name + "! (I read this as you being in a good mood.)");
if "bad" in mood:
print("I hope you feel better soon, " + User_Name + "! (I read this as you being in a bad mood.)");
#"name length" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "name length" in str1:
print( "Your name is " + len(User_Name) + "letters long. (I read this as you asking how long your name is.");```
Your while loop does not have an exit condition. It will repeat forever since 1
is always equal to 1.
Instead, you could do while (str1 != "quit")
which would stop the while loop once the user enters "quit" in the prompt.
Also, side note, you should not be using semicolons at the end of lines in Python.
print("Hello " + User_Name + """.
Tonic is a simple Python chatbot made in order to test things such as boolean logic
and variable definition.
(Also remember to speak to the bot in lowercase, without punctuation.)""")
while (str1 != "quit"): # You need an exit condition here
str1 = input("Say something: ")
#"hello" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "hello" in str1:
print("Hi " + User_Name + "! (I read this as the 'hello' greeting.")
#"hi" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "hi" in str1:
print("Hi " + User_Name + "! (I read this as the 'hi' greeting.")
#"how are you?" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "how are you" in str1:
print("good, how about you? (I read this as you asking 'how are you'.)")
mood = input("Enter Mood: ")
if "good" in mood:
print("Nice to hear " + User_Name + "! (I read this as you being in a good mood.)")
if "bad" in mood:
print("I hope you feel better soon, " + User_Name + "! (I read this as you being in a bad mood.)")
#"name length" //////////////////////////////////////////
if "name length" in str1:
print( "Your name is " + len(User_Name) + "letters long. (I read this as you asking how long your name is.")