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Use [Authenticate] attribute in MVC controller using sessions to authorize users?

I have been searching for similar solutions online but everything seems overcomplicating, currently, I have a UserController that I only want users that are logged in to access, my current solution involves using if statements however I was wondering if it's possible to use the [Authorize] attribute and apply it to methods or the entire controller perhaps?

public class UserController : ASessionController {
    public UserController (IAmazonDynamoDB dynamoDbClient, DynamoDBContext dynamoDbContext) : base(dynamoDbClient, dynamoDbContext) {

    // [Authorize]
    public IActionResult Index () {
        // check session variable
        if(!UserIsLoggedIn()){ /*redirect to sign in*/ } 
        return View();

Perhaps I am not understanding if this is the purpose of the Authorize attribute? Thank you in advance.


  • You can use the Authorize attribute on endpoints and / or the Controller itself It will force the User to be authenticated to again access to the decorated item. In addition you can also restrict it to authenticated users with a given or multiple roles like in the example

    [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
    public IActionResult Index()
    [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator,Guest")]
    public IActionResult NotAnIIndex()

    But you should read the Microsoft Documentation tuturial