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Laravel validation rule to enforce unique combinations?

I have two columns A & B in the same table. Column B can accept only unique values for each value of Column A.

column A column B
1 8
1 52
1 8 not allowed because value 8 in Column B has already been set for value 1 in column A
2 78
2 2
2 78 not allowed because value 78 in Column B has already been set for value 2 in column A

etc ...

I'm trying to write a validation rule that can do this verification but I'm having trouble.


  • If you want to do this in a validator, use a custom validation rule:

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
        // Change column_b here to the name of your input
        'column_b' => function ($attribute, $value, $fail) use ($request) {
            $columnB = $value;
            // Change column_a here to the name of your input
            $columnA = $request->input('column_a');
            $records = DB::table('YOUR_TABLE')
                // Change column_a here to the name of column A in your database
                ->where('column_a', $columnA)
                // Change column_b here to the name of column B in your database
                ->where('column_b', $columnB)
            if($records > 0) {
                $fail("not allowed because value $columnB in Column B has already been set for value $columnA in column A");