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Is it ok to use task.Run to parallel two backgroundservice in a .NET 6 Worker process?

I'm working with Net6 and Worker process (not I need to have two or more backgroundservices running in parallel in the same worker process.

I do that with Task.Run(()=>...) but I don't know if it is a good practice and I would ask to you what do you think about it.

So I create a new Worker project with two hostedServices:

public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>

Backgroundservice Worker implementation:

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
    _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        if (stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested) break;
        Console.WriteLine($"Worker1 - {i}");


    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            if (stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested) break;
            Console.WriteLine($"Worker2 - {i}");

I'll got as result

Worker1 - 1
Worker1 - 2
Worker1 - 999
Worker2 - 1
Worker2 - 2
Worker2 - 999

So the task Worker2 is executed after the Worker.

If I use Task.Run inside each ExecuteAsync:

        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);

                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    if (stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested) break;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Worker1 - {i}");



    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        await Task.Run(() =>
            _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                if (stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested) break;
                Console.WriteLine($"Worker1 - {i}");


The output is

Worker1 - 1
Worker2 - 1
Worker2 - 2
Worker1 - 1

Which to me is good but I'm asking to you if it is a good practice to use Task.Run to parallelize the two backgroundservices.

Somewhere I read something about it is a good practice avoid Task.Run. What else should I use then?

Thank you.


  • I do that with Task.Run(()=>...) but I don't know if it is a good practice and I would ask to you what do you think about it.

    Using Task.Run is normal because ExecuteAsync will otherwise block the host startup, as I describe on my blog.

    They are planning to fix this behavior in .NET 7.0, probably by just having BackgroundService run ExecuteAsync within a Task.Run so everyone else doesn't have to do it.