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How to inlay plotly plot into a map

I've created a polar chart in Plotly. I can post the code to create it if you wish, but here is an image of it.

enter image description here

What I need to do (and am unsure of the best way to accomplish it) is to insert it at a given lat, lon and be able to specify the radius of it (or at least control the size such that when the map is panned/zoomed it stays consistent). I investigated Plotly's maps but I don't see anything to even make an attempt at. Below is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish (although I need a much smaller diameter, this was just made in GIMP)

enter image description here

Any advice is appreciated.


  • So this was multi-faceted to complete, but in case anyone has a similar issue, I've found a way to do this. Tools used are Leaflet for the map and Plotly for the plot.

    HTML For Plot

    <plotly-plot #myPlot style="width: 100%; height: 100%; display: none;" 
       [data]="" [config]="myGraph.config"
       [layout]="myGraph.layout" [style]="">

    First, you have to make sure that the plot's layout is configured correctly.

    layout : {
          autosize: true,
          polar: {
            radialaxis: {
              visible: false,
              range: [0, 1]          
          showlegend: false,
          paper_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'  

    Ensure that the background and plot to cover up the map.

    Next, we have to export the plot to an image.

    @ViewChild('myPlot') public myPlot: Plotly;
    Plotly.toImage(this.myPlot, {
          format: 'png',
          height: 800,
          width: 800
        }).then((url) => {

    Finally, add that to the map via an image layer. This will be a circle with a two mile radius.

        let TWO_MILE_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 3218.69;
        let imageBounds = L.latLng(44.671613, -89.733720).toBounds(TWO_MILE_RADIUS_IN_METERS)
        let overlay = L.imageOverlay(url,imageBounds);