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Applying asynchronous functions to facebook chatbot messages in specific order

I'm doing a chatbot for facebook and I have a problem with the order of sending messages

I send in the chat:


The bot responds in the console:


-How can I help you?

but in the chat responds like this:

-How can I help you?


I tried to apply async and await, but it didn't work.

let postWebhook = (req, res) => {
// Parse the request body from the POST
let body = req.body;

// Check the webhook event is from a Page subscription
if (body.object === 'page') {

    // Iterate over each entry - there may be multiple if batched
    body.entry.forEach(function (entry) {

        // Gets the body of the webhook event
        let webhook_event = entry.messaging[0];

        // Get the sender PSID
        let sender_psid =;

        // Check if the event is a message or postback and
        // pass the event to the appropriate handler function
        if (webhook_event.message) {
            handleMessage(sender_psid, webhook_event.message); 


    // Return a '200 OK' response to all events


let handleMessage = async (sender_psid, received_message) => {

let response;
if (received_message.text) {

        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(async json => {
            for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {

                console.log(json[i].text || json[i].title)
                response = {json[i].text || json [i] tittle}
                await callSendAPI(sender_psid, response) //function to verify user and send message
  await callSendAPI(sender_psid, response);      

How can I ensure the correct order?


  • Well you can simplify this way:

    const callSendAPII = (sender_psid, response) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let request_body = {
            "recipient": {
                "id": sender_psid
            "message": response
            uri: '',
            qs: {"access_token": MY_IG_PAGE_TOKEN},
            method: 'POST',
            json: request_body,
        }, (error, response, body) => {
            if (error) {
            } else {

    now just apply await in the calling function:

    await callSendAPII(sender_psid, response)