I am redoing my search app in Whoosh from Solr. I am now learning from the quick start. But I kept running into problems each time I had to deal with strings
>>>writer.add_document(iden=fil, content=F2T.file_to_text(fil_path))
ValueError: 'File Name.doc' is not unicode or sequence
and then:
>>>query = QueryParser("content", ix.schema).parse("first")
AssertionError: 'first' is not unicode
And THAT line comes straight from the quick-start turorial! Does Whoosh require all fields to be in unicode? It will be real hard work to make my app unicode-aware (and its not even worth it). As for "not unicode or sequence", I understand that string is also a sequence data type.
Yes, it requires strings are in Unicode.
query = QueryParser("content", ix.schema).parse("first")
Change that to:
query = QueryParser("content", ix.schema).parse(u"first")