I have an email's HTML body. I need to parse just the unsubscribe link from that. So if at any point in the dom there is some kind of link, containing the word Unsubscribe, I would need to return the URL of that specific link. I tried different regex but I can't seem to find just the unsubscribe URL or sometimes at all.
$regexp = "<a\s[^>]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*(?:unsubscribe).*)<\/a>";
preg_match_all("/$regexp/iU", $body, $matches);
This does not work :/
You can use DOMXpath and check if the anchor contains a case insensitive match for unsubscribe and get the url using getAttribute to get the value for the href
$data = <<<DATA
This is a link <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/">SO</a> and this is <a href="http://test.test">unsubscribe</a> and
another and this is <a href="http://test.test">UnSubScribe</a>.
$dom = new DomDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$query = "//a[contains(translate(., 'UNSUBSCRIBE', 'unsubscribe'),'unsubscribe')]";
$anchors = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($anchors as $a) {
echo sprintf("%s: %s" . PHP_EOL,
unsubscribe: http://test.test
UnSubScribe: http://test.test
See a PHP demo.