I have the following code:
NSMutableSet* localSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithArray:symbols];
NSMutableArray* fetchedSymbolsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary* symbol in fetchedSymbols) {
[fetchedSymbolsArray addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[symbol valueForKey:@"symbol"] forKey:@"symbol"]];
NSMutableSet* serverSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithArray:fetchedSymbolsArray];
[localSet unionSet:serverSet];
for (NSDictionary* symbol in localSet) {
NSLog(@"%@",[symbol valueForKey:@"symbol"]);
I want everything in serverSet to be in localSet. This code does not reflect this.
It would also be preferable if any duplicates were not added to localSet.
EDIT: Here is my log:
2011-08-16 17:46:28.887 Stream[94612:207] YHOO
2011-08-16 17:46:28.887 Stream[94612:207] GOOG
2011-08-16 17:46:28.887 Stream[94612:207] INTC
2011-08-16 17:46:28.888 Stream[94612:207] BIDU
2011-08-16 17:46:28.888 Stream[94612:207] INTC
2011-08-16 17:46:28.888 Stream[94612:207] BIDU
2011-08-16 17:46:28.888 Stream[94612:207] AAPL
2011-08-16 17:46:28.888 Stream[94612:207] AAPL
2011-08-16 17:46:28.889 Stream[94612:207] AMD
2011-08-16 17:46:28.889 Stream[94612:207] GMCR
try [localSet unionSet:serverSet]
Here's code that just uses symbols instead of NSDictionary
NSArray *symbols = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"AAPL",@"GOOG",@"INTC",@"YHOO",nil];
NSArray *fetchedSymbols = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"AMD",@"BIDU",@"GOOG",@"GMCR",@"INTC",@"YHOO",nil];
NSMutableSet* localSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithArray:symbols];
NSMutableSet* serverSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithArray:fetchedSymbols];
[localSet unionSet:serverSet];
for (id symbol in localSet) {
2011-08-16 18:25:22.107 so7086790[39810:a0f] YHOO
2011-08-16 18:25:22.116 so7086790[39810:a0f] AMD
2011-08-16 18:25:22.116 so7086790[39810:a0f] AAPL
2011-08-16 18:25:22.116 so7086790[39810:a0f] INTC
2011-08-16 18:25:22.117 so7086790[39810:a0f] GMCR
2011-08-16 18:25:22.117 so7086790[39810:a0f] GOOG
2011-08-16 18:25:22.118 so7086790[39810:a0f] BIDU