I have a Spring Boot application with only api rest calls.
Everytime I press the "run on server" button a browser is launched trying to access the current file. Of course it always prompt an error:
Sorry for the image being in Spanish. It basically says that cannot download the resource.
My question is how to avoid this browser from launching everytime I run my application.
I found the solution to my problem. Here is what I did:
Go to Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser > New...
Add a new browser with:
(or whatever you want)C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Press OK.
Finally select Use external web browser
, select the browser we just added and press Apply and Close
The browser configuration should look like this.
Instead of using the cmd you could use a batch/shell script that does nothing (without the /c parameter which is only needed for the cmd to do nothing).
NOTE: This solution is applied to the IDE not to the project.