I'd like to get JSON with an array of integers using SQL Server 2016's For JSON
feature. I'm stumped on array of integers.
Database table structures:
declare @Employees table (ID int, Name nvarchar(50))
insert into @Employees values
(1, 'Bob'),
(2, 'Randy')
declare @Permissions table (ID int, PermissionName nvarchar(50))
insert into @Permissions values
(1, 'Post'),
(2, 'Comment'),
(3, 'Edit'),
(4, 'Delete')
declare @EmployeePermissions table (EmployeeID int, PermissionID int)
insert into @EmployeePermissions values
(1, 1),
(1, 2),
(2, 1),
(2, 2),
(2, 3)
Desired results:
{"EmployeePermissions": [
{"Employee":"Bob", "Permissions":[1,2]},
{"Employee":"Randy", "Permissions":[1,2,3]}
This is the closest I've gotten, but not quite what I want.
e.Name as Employee,
convert(nvarchar(10),ep.PermissionID) as PermID
from @EmployeePermissions ep
where ep.EmployeeID=e.ID
for json path) as 'Permissions'
@Employees e
for json path, root('EmployeePermissions')
{"EmployeePermissions": [
{"Employee":"Bob", "Permissions":[{"permID":1},{"permID":2}]},
{"Employee":"Randy", "Permissions":[{"permID":1},{"permID":2},{"permID":3}]}
SOLUTION - SQL Server 2017 and on
e.Name as Employee,
'[' + STRING_AGG(ep.PermissionID, ',') + ']'
from @EmployeePermissions ep
where ep.EmployeeID=e.ID) as Permissions
@Employees e
for json path, root('EmployeePermissions')
This should work on SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later
SELECT '[' + STRING_AGG(ep.PermissionID, ',') + ']'
FROM @EmployeePermissions ep
You have to cast your value to NVarchar(max) only if your result string exceed 8000bytes
SELECT '[' + STRING_AGG(cast(ep.PermissionID AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ',') + ']'
FROM @EmployeePermissions ep
SELECT e.Name as Employee,
'[' + STRING_AGG(cast(ep.PermissionID AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ',') + ']'
FROM @EmployeePermissions ep
WHERE ep.EmployeeID=e.ID) as Permissions
@Employees e
FOR JSON PATH, root('EmployeePermissions')