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SQL Server 2016 for JSON output integer array

I'd like to get JSON with an array of integers using SQL Server 2016's For JSON feature. I'm stumped on array of integers.

Database table structures:

declare @Employees table (ID int, Name nvarchar(50))
insert into @Employees values
(1, 'Bob'),
(2, 'Randy')

declare @Permissions table (ID int, PermissionName nvarchar(50))
insert into @Permissions values
(1, 'Post'),
(2, 'Comment'),
(3, 'Edit'),
(4, 'Delete')

declare @EmployeePermissions table (EmployeeID int, PermissionID int)
insert into @EmployeePermissions values
(1, 1),
(1, 2),
(2, 1),
(2, 2),
(2, 3)

Desired results:

{"EmployeePermissions": [
  {"Employee":"Bob", "Permissions":[1,2]},
  {"Employee":"Randy", "Permissions":[1,2,3]}

This is the closest I've gotten, but not quite what I want.

    e.Name as Employee,
         convert(nvarchar(10),ep.PermissionID) as PermID 
     from @EmployeePermissions ep 
     where ep.EmployeeID=e.ID 
     for json path) as 'Permissions'
    @Employees e
for json path, root('EmployeePermissions')


{"EmployeePermissions": [
  {"Employee":"Bob", "Permissions":[{"permID":1},{"permID":2}]},
  {"Employee":"Randy", "Permissions":[{"permID":1},{"permID":2},{"permID":3}]}

SOLUTION - SQL Server 2017 and on

    e.Name as Employee,
         '[' + STRING_AGG(ep.PermissionID, ',') + ']' 
     from @EmployeePermissions ep 
     where ep.EmployeeID=e.ID) as Permissions 
    @Employees e
for json path, root('EmployeePermissions')


  • This should work on SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later

    SELECT '[' + STRING_AGG(ep.PermissionID, ',') + ']'
    FROM @EmployeePermissions ep

    You have to cast your value to NVarchar(max) only if your result string exceed 8000bytes

    SELECT '[' + STRING_AGG(cast(ep.PermissionID AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ',') + ']'
    FROM @EmployeePermissions ep


    SELECT e.Name as Employee,
             '[' + STRING_AGG(cast(ep.PermissionID AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ',') + ']' 
         FROM @EmployeePermissions ep 
         WHERE ep.EmployeeID=e.ID) as Permissions 
        @Employees e
    FOR JSON PATH, root('EmployeePermissions')