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WooCommerce how to update order meta data key value with woo rest api 3

I've been searching around but can't get it to work.

Using the api v3 I'm able to get all orders and everything is ok, but now I need to be able to update a metadata, when I use insomnia I manage to update the metadata, but now I need to do it from a php script but it just won't work.

with insomnia using put.

{ "meta_data": [ { "key": "_mensajero", "value": "juan carlos" } ]}

and it works and update order meta, but with php no matter what I try I cannot get it to update

 if (isset($_POST['btn-update'])) {
 $oid = $_POST['cId']; /////the order id
 $data =  [
  'meta_data' => [
    '_mensajero' => '_mensajero'

   $woocommerce->put('orders/' . $oid,  $data);
  header('Location: #');



  • There are multiple ways to update the meta data. One common way would be to use the order object and one of its methods called update_meta_data. Like this:

    if (isset($_POST['btn-update'])) 
        $oid = absint($_POST['cId']); // the order id
            $order = wc_get_order($oid);
                $order->update_meta_data('_mensajero', '_mensajero');
                // Do what ever you want here
                die('NO ORDER WITH THE PROVIDED ID FOUND!');
               // OR send back a custom error message using 'wp_send_json_error' function
            die('NO ORDER ID RECIEVED!');
            // OR send back a custom error message using 'wp_send_json_error' function

    Another way of updating meta data using update_post_meta function:

    if (isset($_POST['btn-update'])) 
        $oid = absint($_POST['cId']); // the order id
            $order = wc_get_order($oid);
            if ($order) {
                update_post_meta($oid, '_mensajero', '_mensajero');
                // Do what ever you want here
            } else {
                die('NO ORDER WITH THE PROVIDED ID FOUND!');
                // OR send back a custom error message using 'wp_send_json_error' function
            die('NO ORDER ID RECIEVED!');
            // OR send back a custom error message using 'wp_send_json_error' function