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React Native JSI: How to call any javascript function from native?

I need to have a callback function to listen for some events in native module and transfers data from native to javascript and I want to call this javascript function from native directly in React Native iOS app without sending events to NativeEventEmitter.

How to implement this with JSI (JavaScript Interface)?


  • First, your function must be defined globally in javascript e.g.:


    global.greeting = function(param) {
        return "Hello " + param + "!";

    Then you should find and call it with React Native Runtime in native:

    #include <jsi/jsi.h>
    #import <React/RCTBridge+Private.h>
    using namespace facebook::jsi;
    using namespace std;
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
      // Runtime notification
      [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification object:nil queue:nil
                                                  usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification) {
        // Get runtime
        RCTCxxBridge* cxxbridge = (RCTCxxBridge*)notification.userInfo[@"bridge"];
        if (cxxbridge.runtime) {
          Runtime& runtime = *(Runtime*)cxxbridge.runtime;
          // Get global function
          Function greeting =, "greeting");
          // Call with param
          Value param = Value(runtime, String::createFromUtf8(runtime, "JSI"));
          Value result =, move(param), 1);
          string str = result.asString(runtime).utf8(runtime);
          printf("Result: %s", str.c_str());
      return YES;


    Result: Hello JSI!

    Note: Since the sample uses JSI for synchronous native methods access, remote debugging (e.g. with Chrome) is no longer possible. Instead, you should use Flipper for debugging your JS code.