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How to display/populate a table only based on selection table in Qliksense?

I have two tables:

enter image description here

They are linked by CustomerId. Currently, I display both the tables on a sheet in Qlik and on selection of the CustomerId in the first table, the values in the second table are updated.

However I would like to start with an empty second table and fill it in/populate the table only on the selection of CustomerId in the first table. How can I do this?


  • You can't actually have trigger on something being selected in specific table/chart but since selecting in chart actually is making a selection then you can have calculation conditions based on the selected value(s).


    When chart properties a open you can have calculation condition. For example: = GetSelectedCount("CustomerId") = 1

    Chart properties

    You can overwrite the default error message by specifying the text in Caclulation condiction unfulfilled section:

    Custom error messages

    (Just to mention that the message can be an expression as well)

    Qlik Sense

    The situation with Sense is similar:

    • select the chart
    • expand Add-ons
    • expand Data handling
    • Add the calculation condition
    • once the calc condition is added the Displayed message input will appead
    • enter some message in it to overwrite the default one

    Qlik Sense