I am trying to loop through an api with start and limit. Limit is always 1000 but start starts at 0. I want to return all records/data. This is where I am at as of now:
const pipeline = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=0&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline1 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=1000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline2 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=2000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline3 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=3000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline4 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=4000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline5 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=5000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline6 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=6000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline7 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=7000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline8 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=8000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline9 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=9000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline10 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=10000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline11 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=11000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline12 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=12000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline13 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=13000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline14 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=14000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline15 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=15000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline16 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=16000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline17 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=17000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline18 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=18000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline19 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=19000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline20 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=20000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline21 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=21000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline22 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=22000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline23 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=23000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline24 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=24000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline25 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=25000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline26 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=26000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline27 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=27000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline28 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=28000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
const pipeline29 = this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=29000&limit=1000`, body, { headers: reqHeader });
return forkJoin([pipeline, pipeline1, pipeline2, pipeline3, pipeline4, pipeline5, pipeline6, pipeline7, pipeline8,
pipeline9, pipeline10, pipeline11, pipeline12, pipeline13, pipeline14, pipeline15, pipeline16, pipeline17, pipeline18,
pipeline19, pipeline20, pipeline21, pipeline22, pipeline23, pipeline24, pipeline25, pipeline26, pipeline27, pipeline28,
map(data => {
return [].concat(...data);
catchError((err) => {
if (err.status == 401) {
alert(`Please refresh page. ${err.error}`);
return throwError(err.error);
What I really want to do is iterate the start to go every 1000 records like this where you see map.:
const limit = 1000;
const start = 0;
let foundLoan = null;
return this.http.post(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=${start}&limit=${limit}`, body, { headers: reqHeader })
map((data: any) => {
return data;
catchError((err) => {
if (err.status == 401) {
alert(`Please refresh page. ${err.error}`);
return throwError(err.error);
Is there any solution to this? I just can't seem to find anything out there that can give me some feedback. Thanks in advance.
I was able to fix this issue by creating a function outside of the service and in the component subscribe that will loop through the array of objects. Something like this:
getLoanNumbers(start = 0, limit = 1000) {
this.encompass.getLoanNumbers(this.currentLimit * 1000)
.subscribe(loanNumbers => {
this.loan = loanNumbers.find(loan => loan.fields['Loan.LoanNumber'] === this.data.loanNumber);
if (this.currentLimit < limit) {
if (this.loan) {
this.guidLoading = false;
} else {
} else {
//console.log(`Reached the end of the limit. We're done here.`);
And then Service:
getLoanNumbers(start: number): Observable<any[]> {
const body = {
"fields": [
"sortOrder": [
"canonicalName": "Loan.LoanNumber",
"order": "Descending"
"filter": {
"canonicalName": "Loan.LoanFolder",
"value": "(Trash)",
"matchType": "exact",
"precision": "Day",
"include": false
const reqHeader = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/json').set('Accept', 'application/json');
const limit = 1000;
//console.log('Hitting up an API');
return this.http.post<any[]>(`${baseURL}/loanPipeline?start=${start}&limit=${limit}`, body, { headers: reqHeader })
map(data => {
return data.filter((loanNumber: any) => loanNumber.fields['Loan.LoanNumber'] !== null || loanNumber.fields['Loan.LoanNumber'] !== '');
catchError((err) => {
if (err.status == 401) {
alert(`Please refresh page.`);
return throwError(err.error);
If anyone is looking for an answer on this for Encompass this will be a great way to loop through many records within this api structure.