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ResponseEntity for Generic Object not giving empty response

When returning the response from controller in ResponseEntity for class B. But it returns empty json response. controller method is below:

    public ResponseEntity testSave(@Valid @RequestBody ReqData req, BindingResult result)
        B response;
            response=generateBadRequestResponse(result);//response variable of B type holds value in its fields, but not sending in response
            return ResponseEntity.ok(response); //getting empty json in postman response

        return  ResponseEntity.ok(response);

Whereas Class B is declared like this:

public class B <T> implements Serializable {

    private String message;
    private T body;
    private List<T> errorList= new ArrayList<>();
    //omitted unnecessary code for brevity

I tested the api from postman.


  • We need more details, a few scenarios it can happen:

    1. generateBadRequestResponse returns null
    2. no getters on B