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Is there a way to get index of clickable in jetpack compose?

So i checked out this video and i get the Lazycolumn exchange from recyclerview though Philip as he is called uses a column first and says if you do not need a huge list just use column. My question is is it possible to use only column and get the clicked index of the list? my code looks like this.

Column() {
    viewModel.settings.forEach { setting ->
        Column(modifies = Modifier.clickable{//can i check thje index here somehow??}) {
            Text(text =, textAlign = TextAlign.Left, fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)
            Text(text = setting.description, textAlign = TextAlign.Left, fontSize = 12.sp)


  • There is a forEachIndexed in Kotlin you can use:

    Column() {
    viewModel.settings.forEachIndexed { index, setting ->
        Column(modifies = Modifier.clickable{ use the index }) {
            Text(text =, textAlign = TextAlign.Left, fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)
            Text(text = setting.description, textAlign = TextAlign.Left, fontSize = 12.sp)