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Backpack for Laravel - how to display colored rectangle column for color_picker field?

I'm currently facing a challenge to display a color picker value in one of my CRUDs in backpack for laravel. One of my CRUDs is having a color attribute and I'm using a color_picker field when creating a new entry.

I don't want to display just the string value of the selected color, I want to display a rectangle containing the selected color, something like this (Farbe = color):

enter image description here

I've tried the following things already:

        'name'     => 'color',
        'label'    => 'Farbe',
        'type'     => 'custom_html',
        'value' => '<svg width="20" height="20">
                        <rect width="20" height="20" style="fill:'. $this->crud->getCurrentEntry()->color . ';" />
        'escaped' => false, //optional, if the "value" should be escaped when displayed in the page.

But it didn't work, most likely because the getCurrentEntry method is not available in the setupListOperation.

Then I tried it with a model_function:

        // run a function on the CRUD model and show its return value
        'name'  => 'color',
        'label' => 'Farbe', // Table column heading
        'type'  => 'model_function',
        'function_name' => 'getColorRectangle',
        //'attribute' => 'route' // the method in your Model
        // 'function_parameters' => [$one, $two], // pass one/more parameters to that method
        // 'limit' => 100, // Limit the number of characters shown

with this function in the model:

public function getColorRectangle()
    return "<svg width='400' height='110'>
                <rect width='300' height='100' style='fill:" . $this->color . ";stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)'></rect>

But again, unfortunately without success.

Happy for any suggestions, maybe I'm already blind after struggling for several hours on this topic.



  • Personally, I would rather create a custom column type for that. That has quite a few benefits:

    • easier to debug;
    • the HTML code is in a Blade file;
    • you can re-use this column type any time you want, in a different CrudController;

    And it's super-easy to do. See [the docs here](create a custom column type) but in your particular case it would be something like this:

    Step 1. Create a resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/columns/color.blade.php file.

    Step 2. In that file, copy-paste your HTML code but use $entry->{$column['name']} to get the value of that column:

    <svg width="20" height="20">
         <rect width="20" height="20" style="fill:'. $entry->{$column['name']} . ';" />

    Step 3. Use this new column inside your CrudController

        'name'     => 'color',
        'label'    => 'Farbe',
        'type'     => 'color',