when I deploy a website( with multiple entry points, many HTML files ) and the host uses the build command: parcel build index.html aboutme.html
. the website deployed give me a 404 error. But if I write in the URL /aboutme.html or /index.html it goes... it's like a routeing problem.
HTTP://localhost:1234 => 404 error,
HTTP://localhost:1234/aboutme.html => it goes.
with 1 entry point, it goes all right, but I want multiple HTML files.
I've searched online commands like:
"build:client": "parcel build client/index.html --out-dir dist/client",
"build:server": "parcel build server/index.js --target node --out-dir dist/server",
or even more with this weird flag command: --watch
all you need to do for client part:
npx parcel build ./*.html
that will put result to ./dist directory
if you want now to serve the result on parcel dev server then do:
npx parcel ./*.html
the both urls will work
http://localhost:1234/ - will open you index
http://localhost:1234/aboutme.html - will open you 'about me'
And - if you modify index.html (in root dir, not in dist) - changes will be automatically pulled to your browser.