after few search with my buddy G, I found a lot of solution, but no one corresponds to my situation. Quick explanation : I am currently trying to create a "test table" which will receive 4 millions lines per day. That's around 48 lines/seconds.
To simulate this situation, I want to create a default number for my "LotNumber" column, which will being create based on hour and minutes. Exemple : all the lines created at 9AM and 45min will have the following "LotNumber" : W11409:451
a.k.a W114+HH:MM+1
So, my default column value is :
concat(cast('W114' as char charset utf8mb4) + left(cast(curtime() as char charset utf8mb4),5) + cast('1' as char charset utf8mb4))
And hell yes, that's barbaric. My "LotNumber" column is VARCHAR,
When I create a single line, HeidiSQL send error message 1292.
I am new to SQL, and I have no idea where my error is.
Your code works, just separate the data elements by ,
instead of +
select concat(
cast('W114' as char charset utf8mb4),
left(cast(curtime() as char charset utf8mb4),5),
cast('1' as char charset utf8mb4)
You can test on this db<>fiddle