I've added a few Actions on top of the CRUD ones, and I want to have custom routes to the new actions. But still, keep the CRUD actions with the same route (e.g. /ShowPost?postId=[uuid]
instance HasPath PostsController where
-- ...
pathTo ShowPostAction { postId } = "/ShowPost?postId=" ++ tshow postId
instance CanRoute PostsController where
parseRoute' = do
let posts = do
string "/Posts"
optional "/"
pure PostsAction
let showPost = do
string "/ShowPost?postId="
postId <- parseId
optional "/"
pure ShowPostAction { postId }
posts <|> showPosts -- ...
I assume the CanRoute
part isn't parsing correctly, as I end up with a 404 page when navigating to /ShowPost?postId=...
The problem here is that the ?postId=
is not part of the request path directly as it's part of the query string of the request.
Given a request like /ShowPost?postId=abc
, then the parser input is actually just /ShowPost
. The ?postId=abc
is available through the ?context
variable only.
You could try something like this (not tested):
instance HasPath PostsController where
-- ...
pathTo ShowPostAction { postId } = "/ShowPost?postId=" ++ tshow postId
-- Define the auto route instance
instance AutoRoute PostsController
instance CanRoute PostsController where
parseRoute' = do
let customRoutes = ...
customRoutes <|> (autoRoute @PostsController)
Basically this would use your customRoutes
parser first and then try to fallback to the parser by AutoRoute