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Change order for rdfs:label in Protégé

When creating multi-languages ontology, Protégé puts the first created label (or comment) in first in the .owl exported file.

For example, I have some properties with the English label in first:

<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">citeApparatName</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">citeApparatNom</rdfs:label>

I want to have the French label as the default one. It is possible to configure Protégé to do this in View->Custom Rendering->fr.

The order of English and French labels is not important in Protégé. However, I want to export my ontology to an Omeka S website. Omeka S will only keep the first label in the owl file. Therefore, I will have an English label for the example above and a French one for the one below:

<rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">citeApparatNom</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">citeApparatName</rdfs:label>

If I modify by hand my .owl file (putting French label lines always before the English ones), this action will be erased each time I modify a property and same the file with Protégé.

Is it a way to the French labels (or comments) always in top?


  • I do not know if you still have the issue.

    In protégé 5 you can go to "View" menu, then "custom rendering", There, n the tab renderer, there is the option: Entity rendering. Choose there render by annotation property, and click in configure. At the botton of new window, you will see the option set language. There you have to set "fr" first. Click ok to everything, and then you will have all your default labels in French.