I have a column in a MongoDB collection with location stored as string pair values: geometry:"POINT (72.548355 23.042458)"
I need to create a geometry field which works with MongoDB's spatial queries. Something which is in this format:
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [72.548355, 23.042458] },
Please help. I need to run this for billions of entries in the collection. So an optimized solution will be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance
"$set": {
"geometry": {
$let: {
vars: {
"arr": { $split: [ "$geometry", " " ] }
in: {
"type": {
$concat: [
{ $toUpper: { $substr: [ { $first: "$$arr" }, 0, 1 ] } },
{ $toLower: { $substr: [ { $first: "$$arr" }, 1, { $strLenCP: { $first: "$$arr" } } ] } }
"coordinates": [
$ltrim: {
input: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$$arr", 1 ] },
chars: "("
$rtrim: {
input: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$$arr", 2 ] },
chars: ")"
{ "multi": true })