I am trying to add line numbers to sale.order.line
in the sale order "tree view". Essentially, when a user adds a new product to a quotation, it should appear with a "line number" as a multiple of 10 (i.e. 10, 20, 30, etc)
I am struggling to find out how to add a "computed" default value to a qweb view.
For example:
string="Sales Order Lines"
decoration-info="(not display_type and invoice_status == 'to invoice')"
<create name="add_product_control" string="Add a product"/>
<create name="add_section_control" string="Add a section" context="{'default_display_type': 'line_section'}"/>
<create name="add_note_control" string="Add a note" context="{'default_display_type': 'line_note'}"/>
<field name="sequence" widget="handle" />
<field name="line_number" default="len(record.order_line_ids) * 10 + 10"/> <--- HERE
The goal is to display order lines, while still allowing users to edit them, but not requiring them to enter them manually.
You should override onchange
method for product_id
, and set Line no
with the length of the lines multiplied by 10, something like this:
def _onchange_product_id(self):
if self.product_id:
self.line_number = len(self.sale_id.order_line) * 10
I hope this answer could be helpful.