at the terminal of CentOS 8, I try to run the following:
dotnet -h
Error message:
The framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '5.0.13' was not found.
I have no idea of what is happening.
I have tried lots of instructions around the Google. Some of the steps that I have tried is as follow:\
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-5.0
sudo dnf install aspnetcore-runtime-5.0
sudo dnf install dotnet-runtime-5.0
I also tried Enable snaps on CentOS and install .NET Runtime 5.0
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install snapd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
sudo snap install dotnet-runtime-50
but none of this resolve the problem.
Enter the following command:
dotnet --info
will get the following message:
Then, I follow this steps explained at:
by uninstalling and reinstalling the dotnet
sudo dnf remove packages-microsoft-prod
sudo dnf remove 'dotnet*' 'aspnet*' 'netstandard*'
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-5.0
then, I try the following:
dotnet --info
the system says something like (forget to screenshot):
dotnet cannot be found at
/user/var/bin/.... dotnet...
(I forget the exact path)
This is taking too much time to fix... that I have a more important task to do. I end up giving up to do further debugging this error. I deleted the CentOS and reinstall a brand new clean CentOS and start all over again. I believe I must have messed up multiple conflicting dotnet version and multiple error caching.
I will post another update once I have completed reinstalling new CentOS.
Ok guys, the problem is fixed. By combining all the tips that you have provided, here is what I have done:
First, do a new clean installation of CentOS 8
Proceed to install the "dotnet"
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-3.1
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-5.0
Test by running a console app:
dotnet ConsoleApp2.dll
Everything works perfectly fine now. Thank you very much for your time and help.
Multiple source of dotnet runtime and sdk had been installed. This resulting multiple conflicting binary path and assembly caching crash.
Step 1: Do a clean installation of CentOS
Step 2: Install required runtime version, for example:
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-3.1
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-5.0
Step 3: Test by running a console app:
dotnet ConsoleApp.dll
Update: Alternative 2: Run the app without CentOS installing any runtime
Another alternative option is to publish the .NET Core Project as "self-contained" into single binary.
Here is the example of how it looks like after publishing, there is only 1 single file:
Copy the compiled binary to CentOS
At the terminal, browse to the folder that contains the self-contained binary, for example:
cd /home/admin/testapp
Next, is to allow execution permission to the file:
sudo chmod 777 ConsoleApp2
Execute the app: