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Update MariaDB table with variable from curl in bash script

I have read literally every answer on the net that I could find. Nothing is similar to my problem, so here it is:

I have a bash script with curl and I get a variable back. I want to update my database with this variable, however it doesn't work.

My variable is $stream and no matter what I do, I always get the word "$stream" into the database instead of the result of the curl.

My script is:

stream=$(curl --silent "" | grep -Po 'file": "\K(.*?)(?=")' | sed 's/\\\/\\\//https:\\\/\\\//g')
echo $stream

use mydatabase;

UPDATE my_table SET my_url = "$stream" WHERE my_name = 'stream_name';


  • You can use the -e option to execute a query. Put this in double quotes and variables will be expanded.

    stream=$(curl --silent "" | grep -Po 'file": "\K(.*?)(?=")' | sed 's/\\\/\\\//https:\\\/\\\//g')
    echo $stream
    mysql mydatabase -e "UPDATE my_table SET my_url = '$stream' WHERE my_name = 'stream_name';"