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Mounting host volumes in development container

I have created a development container with some custom dependency compilation. After a few hours building it is time to run my first tests. My tests require loading files that are on the host disk (pretrained models and some data), in a separate folder. Running with tools like docker compose or docker command line I can share files of the host with the container by specifying volumes. The development container does the same with the code folder, but how can I specify additional volumes for development containers.


  • You can use Multi Compose files for that:

    Say you have a docker-compose.yml file where you have a base configuration for all your environments (dev, prod, etc.):

      image: example/my_web_app:latest
        - "1234:1234"

    And then you have other environment files like docker-compose.env.yml where you add or override configuration based on the environment.

    With your example, you'd have a where you'd add the additional volumes required for your development containers:

        - 'path/to/host/folder:/path/to/container/folder'

    During development, you would then launch your stack with:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

    Note: make sure to check how properties are handled when overriding files here, and especially volumes in your case.

    Edit: now to use several docker-compose.yml files in your devcontainer.json, use the dockerComposeFile property. Here you'll remove the "build" property and supply a list of docker-compose files:

      "dockerComposeFile": [
      "service": "web",
      "shutdownAction": "stopCompose",

    /!\ Note that the order of the files is important since later files override previous ones.