I'm working in an angular project and tryng to add ngb-pagination to it. The list I'm displaying has an Observable<any[]> type, so I'm not sure how I should get the lenght of it for the [collectionSize] attribute for the ngb-pagination.
I'm declaring my list as
public productosList$!:Observable<any[]>;
I found that I cant get it's length as
(productosList$ | async)?.length
However, when I try to pass this as the [currentSize] value, I get this error:
Type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'
Is there any way I can sort this error, or a different way to get the Observable list lenght?
Not related to the above issue, when my paginator renders, it shows a "(Current)" message in the active page in the page menu, like this
How can I get rid of it? I've been searching and I think it is supossed to be hidden, but in my case it is not. My ngb-pagination menu code is as follows:
<ngb-pagination class="d-flex justify-content-center"
[collectionSize]="(productosList$ | async)?.length">
Thank you in advance for any help
The issue is that:
(productosList$ | async)?.length
is of type number | undefined
because of the ?
. If productosList$ | async
is undefined or null, the expression will be undefined or null. If it is defined, then length property will be read.
To fix it, maybe you can do:
[collectionSize] = "(productosList$ | async) ? (productosList$ | async).length : 0"
This way, if it (productsList$ | async) exists, it will be the length and if it doesn't it will be 0.
For, removing the (current), maybe you can add a CSS style of display: none or visibility: hidden for that element.
There seems to be a discussion about it: https://github.com/ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/issues/3870 but I am not sure in how to get it done.