I am trying to automate some of my office work and am new to pywinauto. By running print_control_identifiers() I got the following in my application. How can I, for instance, access and click "Button - 'Open Project File'" which is under Toolbar?
@Vasily Ryabov -thank you for your comment. I have added some code snippet below (commented line also works for me)
app = Application(backend="uia").start(r"C:\Program Files\Leica Geosystems\TruView\TruView.exe", timeout=5)
main_dlg = app['TruView']
# main_dlg["Open Project File"].click_input()
main_dlg.child_window(title="Open Project File", control_type="Button").click_input()
Dialog - 'TruView' (L846, T0, R1895, B1038)
['Dialog', 'TruView', 'TruViewDialog']
child_window(title="TruView", control_type="Window")
| Toolbar - '' (L855, T38, R908, B1001)
| ['ToolbarOpen Project File', 'ToolbarSaved Clips', 'Toolbar', 'ToolbarSave Project File', 'ToolbarSiteMaps', 'Toolbar0', 'Toolbar1']
| |
| | MenuItem - '' (L859, T460, R904, B505)
| | ['MenuItem', 'MenuItem0', 'MenuItem1']
| |
| | MenuItem - '' (L859, T413, R904, B458)
| | ['MenuItem2']
| |
| | Button - 'Save Project File' (L859, T367, R904, B412)
| | ['Save Project FileButton', 'Save Project File', 'Button', 'Button0', 'Button1']
| | child_window(title="Save Project File", control_type="Button")
| |
| | MenuItem - '' (L859, T321, R904, B366)
| | ['MenuItem3']
| |
| | MenuItem - '' (L859, T274, R904, B319)
| | ['MenuItem4']
| |
| | MenuItem - 'Saved Clips' (L859, T228, R904, B273)
| | ['Saved ClipsMenuItem', 'Saved Clips', 'MenuItem5']
| | child_window(title="Saved Clips", control_type="MenuItem")
| |
| | MenuItem - '' (L859, T182, R904, B227)
| | ['MenuItem6']
| |
| | Button - '' (L859, T134, R904, B179)
| | ['Button2']
| |
| | Button - 'SiteMaps' (L859, T88, R904, B133)
| | ['SiteMaps', 'SiteMapsButton', 'Button3']
| | child_window(title="SiteMaps", control_type="Button")
| |
| | Button - 'Open Project File' (L859, T42, R904, B87)
| | ['Open Project File', 'Open Project FileButton', 'Button4']
| | child_window(title="Open Project File", control_type="Button")
| StatusBar - '' (L855, T1001, R1886, B1029)
| ['StatusBar']
| |
| | Thumb - '' (L1869, T1012, R1886, B1029)
| | ['Thumb']
| |
| | Static - '' (L857, T1004, R1107, B1027)
| | ['Static', 'Static0', 'Static1']
| |
| | Static - '' (L1113, T1004, R1433, B1027)
| | ['Static2']
| |
| | Static - '' (L1439, T1004, R1639, B1027)
| | ['Static3']
| |
| | Static - '' (L1645, T1004, R1845, B1027)
| | ['Static4']
| ...
Let's guess your top level window specification is named dialog
. It's easy to copy-paste code from print_control_identifiers()/dump_tree()
main_dlg.child_window(title="Open Project File", control_type="Button").click()
If .click()
raises NoPatternInterfaceError
, try .click_input()
or .toggle()